Light in Retrospective as an appreciation of artists' achievements during the pandemic.
Retrospective means to look back, flashback, and to recognize something clearly; light is essential. As in the art world, we need to look back to cherish artists' works in the past and see them as a firm base that constructs the art world now and in the future. We have chosen 19 contemporary artists who participated in ISA Art Gallery's exhibitions throughout the year to be displayed in this exhibition. These artists, including A. Sebastian, Arahmaiani, Ardi Gunawan, Bandu Darmawan, Condro Priyoaji, Dawn Ng, Galih Adhika, Hadassah Emerich, Ines Katamso, Jompet Kuswidananto, Luh Gede Sangita, Nico Dharmajungen, Sekarputi Sidhiawati, Sinta Tantra, Tara Kasenda, Timoteus Anggawan Kusno, Yosefa Aulia, and Yuki Nakayama.
Light in Retrospective will be on display in the ISA Art Gallery at Wisma 46 from December 14, 2022 to January 20, 2023.