In February 2013, Nick Hornby and Sinta Tantra launch a collaborative practise with a site specific exhibition at One Canada Square, Canary Wharf. The first exhibition of 2013 in Canary Wharf’s Sculpture at Work series in the Lobby of One Canada Square shows new collaborative sculptures and installation works by the artists. Nick Hornby and Sinta Tantra met at the Slade School of Fine Art, both graduating in 2003. Since then Sinta Tantra, a colourist, has mainly worked on murals and installations and Nick Hornby has worked as a sculptor, until recently in monochrome, often in white, which shows the purity of forms. The difference in their sources and imagery gave them the impetus to experiment, coming together to make collaborative pieces. Tantra has introduced colour to Hornby’s sculptures, and Hornby has given form to Tantra’s colour schematic. This exhibition is the first occasion on which these new, collaborative pieces have been shown. The exhibition is curated by Ann Elliot.